Eugenia Uniflora

We went all the way
from Gilgamesh to the event
horizon, here in
the family tomb with two dogs,
bearers of a single letter,
and a cat from beyond the wall,
where it was both and neither:
a living death which can't be known.

It is so near,
this breathing in and out,
every time a hallelujah,
the end of a cycle beginning
to close the circle
which will make everything
a centre
and call upon each to recite
one clear sign.

Here it is,
reluctant teacher,
a declaration of my love
without condition:
the peace of God is now

Not for you
nor for me
nor for anyone:
just fidelity for One
who made me to
feel the passion
of what passes,
lit by permanent life.



Remeber your
Infinite hour
Of song