Hope's Fire

There's a blaze
I heard about long ago,
somewhere out there
in the mountains, I think.

I set out to search for it,
even summited a peak or two
where I could sense the message
being passed above cloud-tops:

The battle is joined
and the dark forces are poised
to overwhelm us."

Desperate to join
the soul's riders
I roamed, dangerously
close to the edge.

Eventually, tired of looking,
I let myself down
into an unfamiliar valley
and there: first sight of the flame.

I fanned it,
as if I could breathe
life back into fire itself,
begin to feel it again.

My arrogance snuffed
that precious light
and I knew real suffering,
total and severe.

Until the whole range
burst beyond hope.
First, the overwhelming heat,
holy and uncaring.

Then, completely engulfed
in fire's fury and finally
at peace,
for I set it all myself:

before it was heard
or told or thought,
this heart was alight,
inspired by life's love.



Blazing forgiveness
For those who remember